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Photo of Aurelio Moreno Perez Spain

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My name is Aurelio Moreno Perez and Crdoba born on February 17 of year 1936. at 9 years ingresde listener in the School of Arts and Crafts and linear aprenddibujo until I matriculcuando mare age of 12 years of age. A little later entering the study of Master Rafael Serrano Munoz and at 17 years old and on his advice, madrid fua me to broaden my knowledge. Work for the Galeria Cano and United Artists Painters in La Gran Va....

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My name is Aurelio Moreno Perez and Crdoba born on February 17 of year 1936. at 9 years ingresde listener in the School of Arts and Crafts and linear aprenddibujo until I matriculcuando mare age of 12 years of age. A little later entering the study of Master Rafael Serrano Munoz and at 17 years old and on his advice, madrid fua me to broaden my knowledge. Work for the Galeria Cano and United Artists Painters in La Gran Va. In the evenings asistpara draw from life in El Circulo De Bellas Artes on Calle de Alcala. Later, when I casma came to the Costa del Sol A vivry after I traveled throughout Europe, expanding my knowledge in many places. To those who deign to look at my work they agradecercuanquier advice I want to and if I believe I can teach them something, do not hesitate to ask. Greetings

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